With more than 30 years of industry experience, Marsh & Co is geared towards becoming the first choice in the pest control business to a growing number of clients, who value a fair customer outcome at every step of their journey
with us.
In just a short space of time Marsh & Co has proven the value add of short and long term high impact jobs servicing Pest Control. Marsh & Co has a vison of delivering Pest Control Services on which the public can rely. This vision along with an ‘all stakeholders’ included philosophy, effective governance structures, founded on the principles of professionalism, quality and transformation has positioned Marsh & Co as an emerging brand.
We make it our business to protect your property against pests.
“Marsh & Co is the best in the business. Thank you
for the outstanding work.”
Giselle Van Der Merwe
“Just thought I'd let you know that tonight we can
finally sleep peacefully. No itching and scratching.
That machine your guys used is amazing. Good job.”
Residential Client
Boostbiz Consulting - drives this business